Preschool Summer Camp

This year we are going on a biblical adventure with Noah! 

This summer we will be offering a 9-week summer camp session that will begin on Monday, June 10th and run through Friday, August 16th. The school will be CLOSED for the week of July 4th (7/1-7/5).

Preschool Summer Camp is ages 2- rising Kindergarten

New School Age Summer Class is Rising 1st- Rising 3rd for siblings of current AFS students

Our NEW hours will be 9am to 1pm, Monday-Thursday.

Campers will pack a snack and a lunch daily. We are a NUT FREE facility.

You can choose our 2, 3 or 4-day program. We will not have a 5-day option for summer 2024.


2-day (T,Th Flexible if needed) session: $345

(payments can be split: 1st-$240, 2nd-$100)

3-day (T,W,Th Only option) session: $515

(payments can be split: 1st-$360, 2nd-$155)

4-day session: $685

(payments can be split: 1st-$475, 2nd-$210)

Non- refundable Registration/Activity Fee: $80- Includes T-shirt

Must be paid by 4/12 to secure spot.

Payment dates will be June 3rd and July 8th.  You may pay in full on or before June 3rd.

*Currently enrolled Siblings will receive a 10% discount

All Classes are Now full

Registration is Closed

We are excited to offer a fun filled summer full of learning God’s word and adventures!

There will be bounce house fun, parachutes, ball pits, water games, crafts and more!!!!

Once you have filled out the form; please return bottom half in person, via mail, or via email.

For questions, please contact Charity or Jaimie @ or call 336-431-4147