Statement of Faith

Archdale Friends Meeting solely affirms the Holy Bible as the unchanging Christian foundation of our faith, especially God's Son, Jesus Christ as the true Savior who died and rose again for the atonement of our sins. We also affirm, North Carolina Yearly Meeting "Faith and Practice, edition 2012" as our denomination guideline as members of the Religious Society of Friends.

We believe in strengthening one's relationship with God.

Teaching the Holy Scriptures

Worshiping the Risen Christ

Sharing the Love of Christ

Building Community

Serving Others

Anyone is welcome at Archdale Friends. Each individual is loved and respected. There is that of God in each person and we desire to help each person find the path to Christ and His salvation.


Friends have a long established history of following Christ's teachings. 

Testimony is a word we use to describe these teachings. 

Our testimonies include these five words which make up the acronym S.P.I.C.E.


    Friends focus on the inward matters of the heart and mind, not the outward - possessions, titles or status. It is not what we possess materialistically that is important, but what is primary is we possess the Spirit of the Living God.


    Peace is a chosen way of life. We should strive to be at peace with all people. There should be alternatives to violence and war. Jesus said in Matthew 5:44 "I tell you to Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."


    Being honest, sincere and trustworthy people at all times. Early Friends were known for their honesty and people knew their word was as good as their bond. Friends did not wish to take an oath on the witness stand, but would affirm they would tell the truth. To take an oath meant they could, at other times, not tell the truth and this did not lead to holiness and righteousness.


    People of the Meeting working cooperatively together to further the gospel, to help and encourage each other in good times as well as in times of need. We are to support a healthy and viable membership as we reach out into the community. Friends have held to Jesus' words in Matthew 25:35-40.


    Everyone should be treated with love and respect. No one should be above anyone else in the Monthly Meeting or society. Friends don't use titles such as Reverend or Doctor because such a practice gives rise to the thought that some people are valued more than others. Friends had women in ministry at the beginning of their movement. All people have need and we all need the Lord.treating everyone, everywhere, as equally precious to God, recognizing that everyone has gifts to share.