SUNDAY, September 15

Sunday School: 10am

Worship: 11am

Message: “Where did everybody go” – Hebrews 10:24-25, Pastor Rodney Kirby

Congregational Songs: His Eye Is on the Sparrow, How Firm a Foundation, We Are an Offering, Instruments of Your Peace

Music In Music: “The Goodness of God” Lorie McCroskey, accompanied by David Spell

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The mission committee has 8-10 members. Our goal is to assist in meeting needs within our meeting, community and beyond.  We have several fundraisers during the year. We do a soup/sandwich lunch, a bake sale, and a salad bar lunch.  The proceeds from these events have helped us support many projects. In the past, we have made donations to the Mercy Fund, COAT, Quaker Lake, the Quaker Men’s golf tournament, Pierced Ministries, and several children and families. Our biggest project is coming up. That is the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child shoebox ministry. We thank you all for your continued support.  


USFW QUAKER WOMEN will meet Monday at 10am in the Aldridge Room.


QUAKER MEN GOLF COMMITTEE will meet Monday at 6:00pm in the fellowship hall.



There is a sign-up sheet for Open Door volunteers located on the bulletin board with all the pictures. Every third Wednesday of each month AFM furnishes meals for Open Door. The preparation is in our Family Life Ctr. kitchen and we transport meals to the Open-door facility. 4 volunteers are needed to help put together the to go boxes. Volunteers need to come around 4 PM and it takes about an hour to put the meals together. No cooking involved, just putting the boxes together. If you would like to help, just sign up. Thanks!  David Spell


CHOIR PRACTICE will be Wednesday at 6:30pm.



Young Friends will meet next Sunday, September 22 from 4:30-5:45pm

Dropoff and pick up on FLC (Family Life Center) side. 

Generally, meetings will be twice a month. Watch the bulletin for updates.   Questions – feel free to reach out to Heather Thompson!



Starting Monday, October 14 at 6:00pm. This will be a 3 week study. Stand Firm- Armor of God Study-  Let Shelley know by October 1 if you would like to  participate! Email: OR call 336-687-3905. 


FEMAP (Friends Emergency Material Assistance Program)

Infant socks and washcloths, deodorant and shaving cream are needed. The box for FEMAP collections is on the pew outside church office.



There is an Operation Christmas Child Workshop on Saturday, September 21st from 9:15–11:30. All church members are invited. For more details, contact Janey Stinnett. Items are needed for door prizes. If anyone would like to provide/donate anything, it would be appreciated.



Bluegrass music will be shared on Sunday, October 27 during morning worship!  We are looking forward to this time of worship in song!



The sign up sheet for Nursery and children’s Sunday school/children’s church is posted outside of Rodney’s office.  The rooms used are in the family life center (no steps to climb).  Reach out to Hollis Andrews or the office with questions.


MARLBORO FRIENDS MEETING is inviting ALL to Marlboro Friends on Sunday, September 22 at 6:00pm for ‘Sunday Evening Sing!’  This is a special time of music, worship and praise.  Music in the worship room at 6pm and a time of fellowship will follow in their family life center.


NC Quaker Men Fall Dinner—ALL MEN ARE INVITED

Monday night, September 30, 2024, 5:59 pm

at Marlboro Friends Meeting House, 2668 Marlboro Church Rd, Sophia, NC

Meal prepared by the Marlboro ladies - $15/person at the door

Menu: Chicken Pie, Green Beans, Potatoes, Rolls, Assorted Desserts, Tea

Speaker:  Lloyd Stangeland, LeGrand Friends Church, Iowa Yearly Meeting

He is currently co-clerk of Friends United Meeting Sustainability Committee.


HOMECOMING and RENEWAL are COMING!! October 6 & 7

More details coming next week!



As a keepsake of our Meeting’s anniversary, we have 24oz. tumblers (cups) and wooden Christmas ornaments with an image of the Meetinghouse on it.

Each item is $10 each and if you would like to purchase one, see Herb Andrews.  Make checks out to AFM.



   Archdale Friends Quaker Men’s 19th Annual Memorial Golf Tournament will be held Thursday, September 19 at Oak Hollow Golf Course in High Point. It is a 1:00pm shotgun start. The fee is $75 per golfer/$300 per team.

   This year’s tournament honors the memory of Carl Webster (Chuck) Grubb and Joseph Franklin (Joe) Coltrane. Proceeds from this event help the Quaker Men support lots of community projects.


QUAKER LAKE FAMILY DAY! Saturday, October 5                                                                                                                                                 

  “Fall in love with Jesus, He never Leaves” 

This is an all day event. 10:00am -8:00pm. A schedule of the day has been     provided so you will be able to choose what part of the day you want to attend if you cannot stay all day.  Lunch and dinner will be provided.  We are planning a day packed with fishing, fun and fellowship. Come enjoy your church friends in this beautiful environment at Quaker Lake. We will end the day with evening worship, and s’mores! Mark your calendars now! RSVP to the church office by September 29th for a meal count. For more information, see Shelley or anyone on Christian Education Team. 


Schedule for Quaker Lake Family Day:

“Fall in Love with Jesus, He never Leaves”


Planned Activities:

10:30-11:00- Kids Fall Craft

11:15-12:00- Adult/Family Fall Craft

12:30- Lunch- Sub Sandwiches, chips, dessert.

Canoeing available 2:00-4:00

4:00-5:45 Corn Hole Tournament

4:00-5:00- Kids Scavenger Hunt

6:00- Dinner- Hot Dogs, Fixins, Banana Pudding

7:00-Worship at the Lakeside Shelter

7:30- S’mores

Activities Available all day:




Walking Trails

Fellowship with Friends

Front porch rocking chairs

Please RSVP to the church office by September 29th for a meal count.




100 Year Anniversary Notes

Most Monthly Meetings of the Religious Society of Friends hold a business meeting once a month.  This Quaker meeting for business is expected to serve at least two purposes.

            -To provide the occasion for group worship out of which members may experience spiritual guidance

            -To provide an opportunity for exchanging information about the Meeting’s activities, the activities of other Friends Meetings and                            organizations, and for responding to issues laid upon members as        religious concerns.

            It is the practice of Friends to give unhurried and sympathetic consideration to all proposals and expressions of opinion and to endeavor to respect minority view and, if necessary, postpone action until a greater degree of unanimity may be attained.  This is known as the “Friendly Method.”  (FCNC Faith and Practice)

            It is the responsibility of Presiding Clerks of Monthly Meetings to facilitate the Meeting’s group effort to discern and respond to the Spirit’s leading in the business affairs.  The clerks are there to help clarify the Meeting’s course of action and to guide it toward such action.  (A   Handbook for the Presiding Clerk, David O. Stanfield.)

            At the first Archdale Friends Monthly Meeting for business, held on July 30, 1924, Mary Wilson Wall was nominated and appointed as the first Presiding Clerk of Archdale Friends Meeting.



If services are cancelled, a notice will be on the following two television channels: FOX8 and WFMY2. Please make the safest decision for yourself and your family if the weather is questionable. Even if services are cancelled, we plan to broadcast a message on our usual outlets whether it is live or pre-recorded: Facebook, YouTube and VIMEO.