QUAKER MEN BREAKFAST will be THIS Sunday at 8:13am in the fellowship hall. This meeting was rescheduled from last Sunday. There are several items and events coming up that need to be discussed and prepare for. Hope to see everyone this Sunday. David Spell
HYMN SURVEY—Reminder to anyone who hasn’t turned in their survey.
**USFW Quaker Women will be selling homemade Vegetable Beef Soup and Chicken Noodle Soup on Monday 4-6pm and Tuesday 10am-noon in the Fellowship Hall. $5 per pint, $10 per quart. Soup orders may be placed with the church office or any Quaker Woman.
CHOIR PRACTICE will be Wednesday at 6:30pm.
MUSIC NOTE—Special bluegrass music is planned for next Sunday during worship.
CHILI COOK OFF (Next Sunday)
WHO: Everyone is invited
WHAT: Chili Quake 2025
WHEN: Sunday, January 26 @ Noon
WHERE: Fellowship Hall
COST: Donation of your choosing. This is a Quaker Men fundraiser.
MENU: Chili, Cornbread, tea or coffee
With your donation, you get one free ballot so you can be the judge of the best chili. All the chili you care to eat and sample. Vote buying is allowed. Buy as many votes as you would like: $1 for each additional vote or six votes for $5. Judging begins with your first taste and prizes will be awarded when the votes are tallied. Enjoy the fun, fellowship and the best chili our chefs have to offer!
COOKS: Registration forms are available in the foyer and on the information table outside the office. Questions, see David Spell.
YOUNG FRIENDS—PreK to 12th grade
Young Friends will meet NEXT Sunday (1/26) from 4:30-5:45pm
Dropoff and pick up on FLC (Family Life Center) side.
Questions—feel free to reach out to Heather Thompson
If services are cancelled, a notice will be on the following two television channels: FOX8 and WFMY2. Please make the safest decision for yourself and your family if the weather is questionable. Even if services are cancelled, we plan to broadcast a message on our usual outlets whether it is live or pre-recorded: Facebook, YouTube and VIMEO.
The kids ministry sign up sheet is posted outside Rodney's office.
We have openings for Sunday School and Children’s church volunteers.
You can volunteer for Sunday School or Children’s Church OR both! THANKS!